Please let me know if a link goes bad, so I can remove it or replace it.
- Bookbinding Part 1 This is part one of a six-part series from Papierdesign on binding hardcover books. Immensely useful, the video is in English but the website is in German (although parts are translated).
- Japanese Bookbinding Another video from Papierdesign. This one is on Japanese Binding, and has no verbal instructions.
- Basic DIY Bookbinding Demonstration Detailed video on perfect (paperback) binding.
- Bookbinding: A Traditional Technique DVD excerpt that discusses paper grain.
- Coptic Bindings Stitch Demo Part 1 Pretty clear instructions, although you may need supplemental diagrams from one of the other sites listed here.
- How to Glue For Bookbinding
- Book Binding Knot Two inches from finished and out of thread? You’ll need this knot!
Instructional Sites:
- Contains several entire books on the subject, although they can be hard to follow.
- How to Make a simple Hardcover Book Great, easy to follow instructions.
- Single-Sheet Bookbinding Whip stitching a text block.
- BEST Tutorials Tutorials compiled by Best, the Bookbinding Etsy Street Team. Tons of other terrific resources available there as well.
- Single-Needle Chain Stitch tutorial.
- Coptic stitch tutorial. This one uses metal covers, but the technique is the same for regular books.
- Hollanders Pretty much anything you could want for book arts. Their bookbinding kits are great for beginners. Great selection of artist’s, conservation and printing papers.
- Talas Another supplier with nearly everything.
- Volcano Arts
- Paper Source Tons of gorgeous papers and some bookbinding supplies too. They have some neat thread colors, but they are a bit more difficult to use than the other waxed threads.
- Articus Studio Design
- ArtPaper
Other Useful Sites:
- Page Calculator from for printing your own books for binding
- How to Make Bookcloth & Line Thin Weight Paper Making your own bookcloth is fun and easy enough for beginners, and you can get a much broader range than the
boringtraditional colors that are available pre-made. - Bookcloth Tutorial from BEST
- About Paper Grain I have a cookie for you if you can guess what this one's about.
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Hi, what a cool blog and yes, that is a video I posted on youtube of Dolph Smith teaching beginners how to tie a bookbinders know. I've taken classes from him at The Eureka Springs School of Art. He's a fabulous teacher and well-known book binder.
He is teaching agin this summer, should any of your readers be interested, their website is
Thank you for the link, and the blog! I'll be back!
Dana Jones
Great, I'm glad I got the right person! And, happy you like the blog. Keep in touch, and check back... :)
I want my cookie. And I'd love to learn to bind looks like SO MUCH FUN. Like I need a new hobby.
j.b- You can have your cookie as soon as you come to the other side of the country and get it. It's waiting for you.
And bookbinding is fun... I particularly love sewing and hammering the spines. It's soothing to me. Overall, it's very, very detail oriented, so it serves my meticulous (some would say **** retentive) nature.
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